2008年11月14日 星期五
Mr.Children - Kurumi / くるみ
Loved the song very much.
Dream on, and make your dreams come true. :)
作詞者名 櫻井 和壽
作曲者名 櫻井 和壽
アーティスト名 Mr.Children
ねぇ くるみ
ねぇ くるみ
今 動き出そうとしている
ねぇ くるみ
ねぇ くるみ
でも 本気で笑う事も少ない
同じようにして誰かが 持て余したボタンホールに
進もう 君のいない道の上へ
喂~ Kurumi
喂~ Kurumi
如今 我正要動起來了
喂~ Kurumi
喂~ Kurumi
可是 讓我能夠開懷真心的笑卻也很少
就像這樣地要是能和 某個有多的鈕扣穴的人相遇
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路
2008年11月11日 星期二
Fury of Berries / 野草莓之歌
歌詞 / Lyrics (wrote by Nelleven, translated by htchien)
我已經睜開眼了 / I have opened my eyes
撐過甦醒的疼痛 / Through the pain of awakening
我伸開雙手迎接四方的風 / I open my arms in the winds
抖落刺骨的操縱 / Taking off the control on me
我不是溫室花朵 / I'm not a flower in the room
你也不用假裝溫柔 / so you don't have to pretend you are tender
我學不會你們虛偽的臉孔 / I don't know how to learn your hypocritical face
只會、真實、面對、自我 / I only know how to face the truely me
我們有屬於我們的夢 / We have our own dreams
我們有我們的話想說 / We have our words to say
在你們背叛自己以後 / After you betrayed yourselves
不要連我們一起出售 / Don't sell us with you
我們有屬於我們的夢 / We have our own dreams
我們有我們的話想說 / We have our words to say
在你丟棄了信念以後 / After you abandon your belief
灰燼裡我們選擇出走 / We choose to leave in the ashes
安靜不代表認同 / To be quiet does not mean we agree with you
和平不代表承受 / To be peace does not mean we agree to bear
你的傲慢再一次燙傷了我 / Your arrogant has scald me again
這一次我不會沈默 / And I will not be silent this time
2008年11月7日 星期五
2008年10月26日 星期日
2008年10月21日 星期二
2008年8月24日 星期日
其實最近和虎妹看了不少次的藝術文化展覽,像是之前也在歷史博物館的兵馬俑展以及故宮博物院的華麗巴洛克展,其實蠻高興看到有許多國人都開始願意去參觀這樣的展覽 (就算是一窩蜂的跟風也是好的)。而且在看展的時候,也感受到國內的展覽單位開始像國外的展覽一樣有著不錯的導覽環境 (如導覽語音設備的租用以及手機語音導覽等等在國外博物館都早已提供的服務)。不過國內展覽單位對於看展環境如入場人數的控制、展場安全秩序的維護等等似乎還是沒有辦法像國外一樣有很好的控制。以我和虎妹看的兵馬俑展和米勒展為例,其實很多時候我們看到的只是參展民眾萬頭鑽動的人頭,而無法好好的看到展品的美麗和意境,只能靠著導覽器材的說明和事後購買展覽書籍來真正欣賞展品的優美之處。(是說這樣的話那我們只要買書和導覽語音 CD 在家看就好了,去現場看展要幹嘛? 在家看還不用在現場跟人家擠,不用擔心被人家不小心踩,還可以好整以暇的不怕擋到別人的視線...)
至於前面提到的排隊問題,虎妹在該女士帶著她的家庭離開直奔展覽入口的時候說了一句「所以有關係就沒關係,是這樣嗎?」我本來其實也是有點不太高興的。不過之後想到,也許當我們看到別人這樣做的時候會憤憤不平,但如果是我們自己因為有朋友在某展覽或活動中服務而可以快速入場的時候,我們會不會也是會一樣做呢? 我們跟別人的差別,也許只在我們會私底下到旁邊打電話不讓別人聽到,而不是公開大喇喇的打電話讓大家知道我可以快速入場吧....
2008年5月19日 星期一
HTC Touch Diamond Official Videos on YouTube
HTC Touch Diamond Launch Series:
The revolutionally next generation HTC TouchFLO 3D interface is also announced with this phone, see the following videos to check them out.
HTC Touch Diamond - TouchFLO 3D:
I think they are more than just 'cool'! ;)
2008年4月23日 星期三
親愛的,請讓我們相愛 / Let's Get Into Love, My Dear
Just some memos about my feelings by using Twitter last night....(it's in Chinese, sorry).
- [7-11] 這時播 Way Back into Love 真好聽
- [7-11] 店員跟送貨員的女友打情罵俏
- [7-11] 送貨員開卡車走了,他女友騎機車跟在後 :P
- [7-11] 不想回家,肚子又餓,在門口邊吃飯糰邊推特
- 現在的心情,其實很適合寫些什麼 (工作除外)。但,手邊只有手機,電腦在公司
- 竟然不想睡,但兩點了
- 夜的感覺,很讚。多久沒這樣了呢?
- 竟捨不得回家,空氣傳來旁邊國小夜來香的味道
- 涼風吹來,空氣中淡淡夜來香味,一個美好的夜
- 還是得回家,啊...
- 不過,真的喜歡一個人在深夜的感覺...
- 起身回家
- 「親愛的,請讓我們相愛」突然想到這一句
- 到家,該睡了,晚安
2008年1月27日 星期日
Cloverfield Movie Previews / 《科洛索檔案》電影預告
Saw this movie last Sunday, and I think it's a interesting experience to watch this movie. You can watch the preview clips to decide if you want to watch it or not. But if you decided to watch it, I strongly suggest you to watch it in the theater. Enjoy!
2008年1月22日 星期二
北京BOBO自由城地圖 / Map of the Freedom City in Beijing, China
These is a map of a couple's house in Beijing.
The couple is the winner of Human Rights Award 2007 for China rewarded by Reporters Without Borders organization in France.
Hu-Jia is now been arrested into custody by the Chinese government and is been accused for "subverting state authority" and his wife, Zeng Jin-Yan and their 9 weeks old girl are now forbidden to contact anyone and are not allowed to go outside of her house, just after they got the award from RWB.
You can see where the policemen are in this map.
2008年1月20日 星期日
Prisoners in Freedom City (China) / 自由城的囚徒 (中國)
It's not a movie. It's a documentary video made by the prisoners themselves!
The prisoners are a couple who live in Beijing, China. They had been rewarded by the Reporters Without Borders as the winner of Human Rights Award 2007 for China in November 2007 for they have devoted themselves on the human rights progression in China, even under the close watch of the Chinese government (as to how close they are, you can watch the video to know).
被監禁的人是住在中國北京的一對夫婦。他們剛剛才在2007年的11月因為他們對中國人權發展所做的貢獻而獲得法國無國界記者組織為中國所設立的2007年人權獎。然而他們所做的貢獻卻都是在中國政府的嚴密監視下所完成的 (至於有多嚴密,看影片吧)。
However, they could not be there to accept the award because after they got the award the husband Hu-Jia (胡佳) is been arrested by the Chinese government into custody for "subverting state authority" and his wife, Zeng Jin-Yan (曾金燕), and their 8 weeks old daughter are forbidden to contact anyone and could not get outside of their house.
After I saw this documentary video and know the information, I feel very sad. How come a government can do this to its people? Knowing the human right situation in China and then turn back to see where I live, I feel very lucky that I can live in such a free country so I can think, talk and write about anything freely without too much limits! (Well, at least I will not get arrested if I criticize anything that happened in our government).
當我看到這樣的紀錄片和讀到這些訊息的時候,我感到非常的難過。一個政府怎能這樣對待它的人民呢?當我知道中國的人權狀況之後,反過來看到我所住的台灣,我真的感到我是何其幸運的住在一個讓我可以自由思想、說話和寫東西而沒有太多限制的國家! (至少我不會因為批評我們的政府而被逮捕下獄 )
This is a shame to China for they have promised to improve their human right record and make it better in 2008, the Olympic year for China. In fact, it seems it's not better but getting worse because there are more dissidents been watched and arrested by the Chinese government.
China always claims Taiwan, the much more democratic country, as part of China. However, compared with this case I don't think so. Taiwan is now a very free country that China could not imagine. It's not possible to let Taiwan people to accept the current Chinese government. If China really wants Taiwan back, please change yourself first! If not, sorry I would not agree Taiwan is a part of China.
Now some Chinese people have made an announcement to demand the immediate release of Hu Jia and request other Chinese netizens to join. If you are interested, please send your name and your place to forhujia@gmail.com or forhujia2008@gmail.com.
現在有些中國民眾發起聯署要求中國政府立即釋放胡佳並希望其他中國網友響應。如果你有興趣加入的話,請將你的姓名和所在地寫到 forhujia@gmail.com 或是 forhujia2008@gmail.com。
Update: here's a video took today (Jan 20, 2008) by Channel 4 UK reporter about Zeng Jin-Yen and her 8 weeks old daughter, see it if you like:
更新:下面是今天 (2008 年 1 月 20 日) 由英國第四頻道的記者所做關於曾金燕以及她八周大女兒的報導,有興趣的人可以看看:
And Chinese netizens are now calling people to go to Zeng Jin-Yen's house in Beijing to see her and her little young baby tomorrow afternoon. It would be a challenge to them and might have a conflict with the Beijing policemen. I just pray they won't get arrested or been badly treated by the policemen....
May God bless them, Hu Ja, Zeng Jin-Yen, and their little young girl.
Related info / 相關資訊:
- English: Wikipedia - Hu Ja / Chinese: 維基百科上關於胡佳的介紹
- Chinese Citizens Signed to Request the Immediate Release of Hu Ja /中国公民联名要求释放胡佳
- Independent Media, Hong Kong / 香港獨立媒體, 翟明磊: 仁者之怒:督请北京公安释放胡佳
- Asian Times / 亞洲時報, 歐洲議會要求中國立即釋放胡佳
- Channel 4 UK Reports on Zeng Yin-Yen / 自曲新聞,记者对被软禁的曾金燕在胡佳被捕后的采访
- Boxun News Online - Running to the Freedom City, Gather to Demand the Immediate Release of Hu Jia in Jan 20. / 博訊新聞網: 1月20日,奔向自由城,要求释放胡佳集会通知
- Zeng Jin-Yen's blog / 曾金燕的部落格:了了園
2008年1月13日 星期日
Trying Windows Live Applications / 嘗試使用 Windows Live 應用程式
Recently I updated my MSN Messenger v8.1 to Windows Live Messenger 2008 (v8.5), and it comes with Windows Live Writer and Windows Live Photo Gallery. I had installed their beta version before but I did not use them. Today I decided to give them a try.
最近我更新了我的 MSN Messenger 8.1 版到新版的 Windows Live Messenger 2008 (8.5版),隨之而來的是 Windows Live Writer 部落格離線編輯程式和 Windows Live Photo Gallery 相簿管理程式。我以前曾經安裝過這兩個程式,不過一直都沒在使用。今天我決定來試用看看。
I use MSN Messenger a lot so Windows Live Messenger is not new to me, I guess I will skip this part.
我還蠻常使用 MSN Messenger 的,所以 Windows Live Messenger 對我來說還算熟悉,我想我可以直接跳過這個部分。
I had used some blog editor like w.bloggar before, and it's good to use. However, it has one problem that it could not support Unicode well, so I would get some trouble when I want to post something with Chinese. It's still good to use w.bloggar if I want to post something in English, but I decided to edit the blog post online anyway.
我以前曾經使用過一些部落格編輯器如w.bloggar,而且其實它用起來還不錯。不過它有個問題就是無法支援萬國字元碼,所以在我想要寫一些中文文章到部落格的時候會遇到一些亂碼的問題。使用 w.bloggar 來寫英文文章其實是一種很愉快的經驗,不過那時我還是決定要在線上即時編輯我的文章。
Now when I use Windows Live Writer I think it's not bad. It has a Vista UI (which means beautiful), and is also easy to use. It also claims it supports Unicode (if you do not see any error codes in this article then it does support Unicode). If no other issues happened in the coming few days, I think I will continue to use it.
現在當我使用 Windows Live Writer 的時候我覺得它還不賴。它有一個跟 Vista 類似的使用者介面 (代表著美觀),而且用起來也還算容易。它也宣稱支援萬國字元碼 (如果你沒在這篇文章中看到亂碼的話那就是真的)。如果未來幾天沒有其他問題發生的話,我想我會繼續使用這個軟體。
As to Windows Live Photo Gallery, I guess it's trying to catch up Google Picasa. It's enough for showing your pictures to friends, colleagues and family members with Photo Gallery. It now also has a Vista UI and you can categorize pictures by dates, tags and folders. But if you want to do some photo management or editing, Picasa is better.
至於 Windows Live Photo Gallery,我想它正試著想要趕上 Google Picasa。如果要展示照片給你的朋友、同事和家人的話,我想它是夠用的。他現在也有個類似 Vista 的使用者介面,並且你可以依照時間、標籤及目錄來分類你的照片。不過如果你想要做一些相片管理或是編輯的話,Picasa 是比較好用的。
I do not download other Windows Live applications so I could not comment on them, but you can give them a try.
我並沒有下載其他的 Windows Live 程式所以我不能對它們有甚麼評論,不過你也可以試用看看。
Any comments? Ideas? You are welcomed to let me know.
有任何意見或是想法嗎? 歡迎你給我留言。
2008年1月6日 星期日
Android Developer Challenge Started / Android 開發者競賽起跑

在一月二日谷歌的Android開發人員Don Morrill在Android開發者部落格中宣布Android開發人員競賽正式開始了。我想能看到人們為Android行動平台開發出甚麼樣的東西是一件很有趣的事情。如果你準備好要出名或是做一些有趣的東西的話,這就是你的機會,而且還有機會能獲得總數1000萬美金的獎金,有興趣嗎?去參加吧!競賽參加最後期限是2008年三月三日。
Related links / 延伸閱讀:
- Announcement / 競賽開始公告
- Submit rules / 參加規則
- ZDNet Blog - Googling Google - Android contest officially open - Individuals happy, teams worried
2008年1月4日 星期五
2008 Taipei 101 Firework Show / 台北101 2008年煙火秀
It's the Taipei 101 Firework Show I took in the Rainbow Park in Neihu Dist., Taipei. It's been told that it's the last year Taipei 101 to have the firework show because there will be another tallest building in the world to be announced in mid 2008.