2008年11月11日 星期二

Fury of Berries / 野草莓之歌

歌詞 / Lyrics (wrote by Nelleven, translated by htchien)

我已經睜開眼了 / I have opened my eyes
撐過甦醒的疼痛 / Through the pain of awakening
我伸開雙手迎接四方的風 / I open my arms in the winds
抖落刺骨的操縱 / Taking off the control on me

我不是溫室花朵 / I'm not a flower in the room
你也不用假裝溫柔 / so you don't have to pretend you are tender
我學不會你們虛偽的臉孔 / I don't know how to learn your hypocritical face
只會、真實、面對、自我 / I only know how to face the truely me

我們有屬於我們的夢 / We have our own dreams
我們有我們的話想說 / We have our words to say
在你們背叛自己以後 / After you betrayed yourselves
不要連我們一起出售 / Don't sell us with you

我們有屬於我們的夢 / We have our own dreams
我們有我們的話想說 / We have our words to say
在你丟棄了信念以後 / After you abandon your belief
灰燼裡我們選擇出走 / We choose to leave in the ashes

安靜不代表認同 / To be quiet does not mean we agree with you
和平不代表承受 / To be peace does not mean we agree to bear
你的傲慢再一次燙傷了我 / Your arrogant has scald me again
這一次我不會沈默 / And I will not be silent this time

