Tomorrow afternoon I will be visited by a reporter of Taiwanese magazine, IT Home Weekly, for a column about the life of a IT person. The reporter wishes to ask me about some questions like: why do you get into the IT industry? How do you feel about the programming life? Any leisure time hobbies? What do you plan to do in the future? And bluh bluh bluh....Have you guys ever been visited by a reporter before? I never have. I only have a experience to meet a editor from a Chinese magazine "Programmer" on MSN messenger to discuss about the differences of the developer life in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. (The editor made the discussion as 2 column articles) Now I'm a little nervous about this. I feel a little uncomfortable because I'm not used to expose myself to the media and the public.
You may want to ask me why I feel uncomfortable about this, since I already have several blogs on the net to tell people what I think and what I do. Well, I think there are some differences. Although I have several blogs available, not many people are reading them so I can feel free to write what I think. And, I can control what to write and what not to write on my blogs. But if someone come to visit you and write something about you on the media, it would be a little different. (Sometimes it would be a big difference) Anyone who read the column article will know you immediately. And you cannot control what the reporter writes about you.
So, why do I still wish to get visited by the reporter? Well, I don 't know. Maybe to get famous is one of my desires. (But it's possible I might still be no-one after the column article is been published).
The reporter said he will contact me again today. Well, let's wait and see what he wants from me. :)
Update: the article on me now is been published in Chinese, read it if you want to know me more.