Last Christmas I helped to hold the Christmas party in InterVideo Ulead because I was a member of Ulead Employee Welfare Committee. This year we will not have a party for the Christmas in InterVideo Ulead, but we do have a party for joining the Corel family. As some of you already know, Corel had completed the acquisition for InterVideo Ulead in December 12. On that day, some Corel management people came to Taipei and met us in the employee meeting to announce the acquisition. And after the meeting we had a cocktail party to celebrate the event. If you wish to know how it goes, you can check the party photos in my flickr album.
I took some pictures of Corel people in the party. For example, this one:

And I photoed another Ulead people here:

He is a really nice person, and I like his pose here when I was trying to take a photo of him. :)
We enjoyed the cocktail party for a while, and that reminds me about the past life I had with Ulead. Well, it's not bad, isn't it?
Tomorrow I will join the Christmas activities in the church, maybe I will come back and share the feeling I have in the church.
It's a little late here in Taiwan. I think it's time for me to go to bed. Merry Christmas to you all, and may Gold bless you.
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